Monday, November 30, 2009

Farmville hack - Money Bug / Coin Loophole

I have tested it and refreshed my game and
the money saves. Be warned though, if the game refreshed, the item disappears so only stop when you are done.

Try on a cheap item first! Once you are confident, do it on the most expensive item you can afford.

Most expensive building is the VILLA.
Note: if you screw it up, you will lose both the money you paid to buy the building and the building itself. So make sure you test on a cheap item first! I have managed to get 1 million from just 400k.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Crazy Planet hack - Combo cheats


Help The Blog By Downloading in Sharecash

  1. Go into Crazy Planet
  2. Open Combo Tool
  3. Select browser that you're using.
  4. Go into any mission, once the timer starts counting down, click 'Start' on the tool (see image)
  5. The 'Pause Time' should light up and you can click it to pause the time.
  6. Next to unlock the other 2 cheats, you'll need to damage yourself and an enemy. After causing damage to yourself and the enemy, click 'Start' on the tool and the other 2 cheats will light up.
  7. Now click both 'Infinite Health' and 'Infinite Damage'. Notice your health will never decrease and you can 1-hit KO any robots.
Credits: TigerZZ, free2sw4u



Pet Society AUTO BOT (Auto Visit)

                       II     CLick Here
                                     II To Start Down LoaD ..
 //   \\ 



Restaurant City hack - Get Toilets Trophy Cheat

Open RC

Patch your piaips 1.15 (dont check 'no customers wants to go toilet') place about 50 toilets in your RC

Open Cheat Engine, select firefox as process, "tick hex,ASROM,value type (8 bytes)"

Now Scan "000001318F0FC085" (flash 9) "0000013B8F0FC085" (flash 10)

1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble address

Change test eax,eax to sub eax,eax this will enable eat fast

Click New Scan, scan"F08B0000004F840F"

1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble address

Change je xxxxxxxx to jmp xxxxxxxx this will enable all customer to use the toilet instead of random customer who uses it

Now wait until all your toilets are needed to be clean and make sure that you have no employee set to janitor

And click all those toilets


Mafia Wars Free GodFather Points

You can’t see how much coins you have?

Well Pf added a top banner that is blocking the coins

well here’s a solution till they fix this!


Adblock plus for firefox
Click to download

after setup just right click on banner

then choose Adblock plus: Block Image

then choose add filter

problem sloved

or just toggle to full-screen mode on other browsers for a temp solution


Facebook 遊戲 Restaurant City Get Toilets Trophy (取得.廁所獎盃)

Open RC

Patch your piaips 1.15 (dont check 'no customers wants to go toilet') place about 50 toilets in your RC

Open Cheat Engine, select firefox as process, "tick hex,ASROM,value type (8 bytes)"

Now Scan "000001318F0FC085" (flash 9) "0000013B8F0FC085" (flash 10)

1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble address

Change test eax,eax to sub eax,eax this will enable eat fast

Click New Scan, scan"F08B0000004F840F"

1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble address

Change je xxxxxxxx to jmp xxxxxxxx this will enable all customer to use the toilet instead of random customer who uses it

Now wait until all your toilets are needed to be clean and make sure that you have no employee set to janitor

And click all those toilets



piaip's Restaurant City Hack v1.15 (優化Chrome及優化速食效果)

【piaip's Restaurant City Hack 】點這裡到下載頁面 Version

Version 1.15
Improved compatibility for Google Chrome browser
(use the process named as "chrome.exe [Flash!]" )
Add fast eating again
MD5 (piaipRCHack_v1.15.exe) = a12e0f72d6fdfefb9c222078a5edeee0

Version 1.15
優化兼容 Google Chrome(瀏覽器)處理程序顯示為 "chrome.exe [Flash!]"
MD5 (piaipRCHack_v1.15.exe) = a12e0f72d6fdfefb9c222078a5edeee0
什麼是「MD5 驗證碼」?答案點這裡
piaip's Restaurant City Hack 點這裡到下載頁面

【piaip's Restaurant City Hack 】點這裡到下載頁面


Friday, November 27, 2009




Creating the Icon

    Creating the Icon

  1. Due to the constraints of web browsers, the website icon you choose to use must be a square and be exactly 16 pixels by 16 pixels. If the image you want to use as your icon is a different shape or a larger size, you can use an imaging program like Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Paint or Apple Preview to crop and shrink it. Once you have created an appropriately sized icon, name the file "favicon" and save it as a .GIF or .PNG file.
  2. Converting the Icon

  3. Before you can change your website's icon to the image you have created, you must convert the .GIF or .PNG file to a .ICO file, which is a special file format for web icons. The easiest way to convert a web icon is to use the FavIcon Generator tool (see "Additional Resources," below). Simply use the online tool to navigate to your .GIF or .PNG image and then click on the "Create Icon" button. Save the .ICO file to your hard drive and then upload it to your active web server. Make sure that the file is named favicon.ico and is stored in the root level of your server
  4. Setting the Website Icon

  5. Once the favicon.ico file has been saved onto your web server, you can edit the pages of your website to set the image as your site's official icon. To do so, open one of your site's pages in a web-editing application like Adobe Dreamweaver, and insert your cursor inside of the "" tags at the top of your HTML code. Then type "" and save the code. The webpage will now be directed to use the new icon you have created, and it will be displayed in web browsers when others visit your site. 



    Tuesday, November 24, 2009

    Pay pal wish list


    Monday, November 23, 2009

    Facebook Farmville Zynga - Unlimited Fuel AOB Hack

    Facebook Farmville Zynga - Unlimited Fuel AOB Hack
    1.Open farmville
    2.Open cheat engine
    3.Process- browser (firefox)
    4.check value- array and bytes (hex)
    5.Scan this one " 60 ?? ?? 46 ?? ?? 00 73 63 "
    6.3 adress found- double click each one
    7.Change value to this " 02 02 02 02 02 02 24 00 63 "

    dont post in youtube for sure it will be gone..

    a little credits to d writer is very much appreciated
    Click>Enjoy share d`wealth to your friends


    Sunday, November 22, 2009

    Zynga Farmville - Time Hack - Plant and Harvest Instantly

    2.Flash 9-10
    3.CE 5.5

    1.Open FarmVille
    2.Open CE - Array of bytes
    3.Scan for the value:
    d2 24 00 0d ?? 00 00 d0 60 ?? ?? 2c ?? ?? 2c ?? ?? 62 ?? 62 ?? 56 02 46 ?? ?? 03 4f ?? ?? 01 5d ?? ?? 62 ?? 4f ?? ?? 01 5d ?? ?? 60 ?? ?? 4f ?? ?? 01 5e ?? ?? 60 ?? ?? 46 ?? ?? 00 68
    (NOTE: the sections in BOLD are what you need to change)
    4. 1 address found -Double click
    5.Change value to this>
    10 ?? 00 00 d0 60 ?? ?? 2c ?? ?? 2c ?? ?? 62 ?? 62 ?? 56 02 46 ?? ?? 03 4f ?? ?? 01 5d ?? ?? 62 ?? 4f ?? ?? 01 5d ?? ?? 60 ?? ?? 4f ?? ?? 01 5e ?? ?? 60 ?? ?? 46 ?? ?? 00 __ __ __ 68

    (noticed the "__ __ __" ... this is where you insert variables to input)
    2D 47 A0 <- 3-4 day + crops
    2D 60 A0 <- 1-2 days crops
    2D 53 A0 <- 6-11hr & 30mins crops
    2D 03 A1 <- 2-4hr crops

    So, this will be the end input value.
    10 ?? 00 00 d0 60 ?? ?? 2c ?? ?? 2c ?? ?? 62 ?? 62 ?? 56 02 46 ?? ?? 03 4f ?? ?? 01 5d ?? ?? 62 ?? 4f ?? ?? 01 5d ?? ?? 60 ?? ?? 4f ?? ?? 01 5e ?? ?? 60 ?? ?? 46 ?? ?? 00 2D 47 A0 68

    6.Replace "d2 24 00 0d" with "10" and in between "00 68" (directly at the end of the value) insert one of the following depending on duration of the crops.

    7.Press ok and plant and instant harvest. Gain Fastest Coin and Xp .

    Best Cheat for Farmville as now.


    Facebook Friend 4 Sale - Coin Gold Finder

    Automation - Script

    Buy and sell your friends as pets! You can make your pets poke, send gifts, or just show off for you. Make money as a shrewd pets investor or as a hot commodity! Friends for Sale is the bees knees!

    You need to position your browser to a friend for sale profile in order for the bot to work!!
    Open many tabs as possible
    earns 12 millions in 10 mins, a lot of money coins... while your sleeping..

    INSTALL GreaseMonkey.
    -restart firefox
    install the script

    Click>Enjoy share d`wealth to your friends


    Facebook Playfish: Pet Society Jump lvl Hack

    Pet Society jumps lvl hack -MAX lvl +10Million XP

    CE 5.5
    Firefox 3+
    Flash 9

    1. Open Pet Society
    2. Use jump rope , jump 4x
    3. Open CE 5.5 firefox as process
    4. Check hex, 8 bytes, ASROM
    5. Scan " 840FFF85C12A0FF2 "
    6. 1 or 2 address found - disassemble the 1st
    7. then move up -opcode till you see "add esp, 0c"
    8. click that, then tools-auto assemble-template-code injection and press OK
    9. Scroll down until you see again "add esp 0c"
    10. press enter to enter a new line there and paste this code
    11. " mov [ebp-14], 98967F " below with the code " mov ecx 000000001"
    12. Then press execute. press yes
    13. Do the same thing on the other address that you found earlier.
    This is the most important and final step:
    -back to your pet,, then jump rope ONLY 1 (once)

    then bunch of coins will pop + bonus item rewards

    a little credits to d writer is very much appreciated


    facebook hax - Zynga games / Browser games - All in One auto player BOT

     If you dont have greasemonkey click.
    INSTALL GreaseMonkey.
    -restart firefox

    install the script

    Auto player for zynga games on facebook:

    • space wars,
    • football,
    • heroes & villains,
    • special forces,
    • fashion wars,
    • dragon wars,
    • mafia wars,
    • vampires,
    • gang wars,
    • street racing,
    • pirates,
    • castle age,
    • school of magic,
    • prison lockdown,
    • glamour age,
    • under world,
    • age of chivalry,
    • heist,
    • demon wars,
    • soldiers,
    • pocket battles,
    • super powers,
    • drinking wars,
    • green game,
    • sorcerer of darkness,
    • slamdunk,
    • be popular,
    • warlords,
    • blood hunters,
    • celebrity life,
    • realm of shadows,
    • protectors of fortuna,
    • guardians of light,
    • wrath of ninjas,
    • Mafioso war,
    • robin hood,
    • fashionista,
    • secret agents,
    • moon light
    To use: Go to the missions/quests/job page and you should see an auto run link next to each of the missions. Once started, a stop link will appear in the options block on the top right of the page.
    The fight page has auto fight links.
    The properties page calculates the return on investments for you.
    When using the banking feature it's important to click "disable auto run..." before making any withdraws or else the money will go straight back into the bank.
    When a game has many tabs in the missions/quests/job page you need to be in the correct tab or else it won't be able to find it.
    Becareful with the freshmeat fight option, some games just have an attack button and it maybe sending invites to the person being attacked.
    There're many games here, I don't have time to test them all, post something in the discussion forums if one of them stops working. And include the url and what you were doing.By:Niknah

    Credit:Niknah and nor3ca


    FarmVille hacks - Wall Manager // automatically get bonuses grabs bouquets, hatches eggs etc

    This script automatically accepts bonuses, bouquets, animals, and eggs.
    Each can be disabled by using the options interface in the user script commands.
    by:Joe Simmons

    If you dont have greasemonkey click.
    INSTALL GreaseMonkey.
    -restart firefox

    install the script



    Crazy Planets hacks - Infinite Life and Max Critical // November

    • firefox 3.5 / Flock / IE
    • Infinite health and max critical [Link
    • Fiddler2 [Link]
    Better Use IE


    1. Open Fiddler2
    2. Open Browser > facebook > Crazy Planet
    3. Load "Crazy Planer" (wait until it done)
    4. Back to "Fiddler2" and look left panel there is so many addresses
    5. Now Find the ""
    6. Right click and "Copy" > "Just Url"
    7. At Left Panel of fiddler Click AutoResponder
    8. Check the "Enable automatic responese" and then "Add"
    9. Beneath the "Rule Editor" in the "Save" on the left, click "▼" This drop-down menu, point "Find a file 
    10. Choose you have just downloaded "Crazy Planet Critical .... zip" press to open, then click "Save 
    11. "Fiddler2" at the top menu, select "Clear Cache"  
    12. Back to the game screen, press "F5" or re-enter the game finishing  
    13. If unable to enter a long time to wait, do not worry, try more than a few press "F5" or re-order can enter the game  
    14. Completed!


    Pet Society hack - New Clone hack

    1. Go into Fiddler2
    2. Click File and ensure "Capture Traffic" is ticked
    3. Click "Launch IE" in fiddler2
    4. Log into Pet Society
    5. Now look at the left panel of Fiddler2.
    6. Search for this line "/games/pets/swf/2.X.X/shops/shopluxury2XXX.dat"
    7. Right click > Copy > Just URL
    8. Click on AutoResponder in Fiddler2
    9. Tick both Enable Automatic responses and Permit passthrough..
    10. Now click "Add". A new line will appear in "If URL matches"
    11. Now open ShopMaker
    12. Click Download Database. (dont change the filename)
    13. Click Save
    14. Click on Shop Luxury.
    15. If done correctly, you should see a list of items at the left panel with the price.
    16. Look at Shop N.I.S in the shopmaker
    17. You can now select the items you want to purchase. Double click the items or add everything by clicking "Insertar Todos"
    18. Once you have added the items you wan, click "Guardar"
    19. Type a filename (any name) and click save.
      *notice a second file with the same filename is generated. But with a .dat extension (this is the file you want!)
      example: shop.xml and ShopLuxury-shop.xml.dat will be auto generated
      if you save as haha.xml, ShopLuxury-haha.xml.dat will be auto generated. GEDDIT?

    20. Now go back to Fiddler2
    21. At the bottom of the AutoResponder tab, you should see Rule Editor
    22. Click on the arrow BESIDE "save"
    23. Click "select a file" and open the file that is generated by the ShopMaker (ShopLuxury-shop.xml.dat in my case)
    24. Click SAVE
    25. Now reload Pet Society. Click Clear Cache in Fiddler.
    26. Once Pet Society loads, go into Luxury and you should see the items you added! You will need coins to purchase them. But buy all the RARE Black Cats or anything you want today! The key to this cheat is replacing the normal database PetSociety loads with the new database that is generated by the shopmaker
    If loading gets stuck at ShopLuxury (look at the actions in fiddler), YOU DID STEP 23 WRONG
    DO IT QUICK BEFORE THIS GETS PATCHED! and read the steps properly. This is not an easy cheat to execute. But the benefits is GOOD! This works nearly the same way as Spyke's clone cheat as coins will ALSO be deducted for his cheat. But i feel that this is better as you can add ANY item you want. While his requires you to have the item before hand.


    Saturday, November 21, 2009

    Pet Society “Hiddeni Hunt” Little Hack by Patiniox

    Pet Society “Hiddeni Hunt” Little Hack by Patiniox
    -Open cheat Engine;
    -Choose your browser;
    -Tick Hex and paste
    8B 89 54 05 00 00 89 5D D8 8D 55 D8 8B D8 52 6A
    -change value type from 4 bytes to “Array of bytes”;
    -Tick “Also scan read-only memory”;
    -First scan;
    -you will get one address,right click & “disassemble this memory region”;
    -scroll up look for Je xxxxx example je 134335435
    -right click & choose replace with code that does nothing;
    -go to & find hideeni ;)
    see video


    Restaurant City Fast Eat (速食修改)

    感謝 AnEjd 提供 RCFE2(速食修改程式)

    piaip's Restaurant City Hack .Piaps Version 1.13
    Cheat Engine 5.5.Xiao官方載點二

    Hi Readers, today i will be releasing you a new version of Customer Cook fast and Eat Fast cheat

    with combining with Piaip's Restaurant City hack version 1.13 but it is still working. This is to

    cater for those who have problem using ver 1.12.

    1) PiaipRchack Version 1.13

    2) RC Fast Eating Tool

    2) Firefox or Internet Explorer

    3) Adobe Flash Player 10.0


    Step 01 : Open your Restaurant City application

    Step 02 : Open Piaip's Restaurant City hack v1.13

    Step 03 : Select either Iexplorer or Firefox and tick all the cheats and click patch.

    Step 04 : The cheat is running for good!

    Step 05 : Open RCfasteat Tool and scan "0108868B0CC4830C" with Hex, 8

    Bytes and also read memory.

    Step 06 : Get the value of the 2nd results and click Get Code and Copy to Clipboard in RCfasteat


    Step 07 : Paste it into Cheat Engine 5.5

    Step 08 : The cheat is running for good!

    Good luck!

    Share this great information with your friends.

    Powered by AnEjd

    Hope you guys benefit from this updates.




    Friday, November 20, 2009

    遊戲 Country Story Combo Cheat

    CSCheat .載點一.OR.載點二
    PC Worker.載點一.OR.載點二


    Thursday, November 19, 2009

    Facebook Country Story Unlimited Stamina & Unlimited Take

     Bonus:http:Sukoshi Click Here

    Firefox 3.5.5 及 Flash Player 10 (Flash Player 9 亦可)
    DOWNLOAD This File
    Firefox 3.5.官方載點/Download
    Flash Player 10.HinetEdcityEsnips
    Flash Player 9.HinetEdcityEsnips
    Cheat Engine 5.5 官方載點/Download

    補充一下短片內的注意地方:(先無限體力.後無限偷取)/ Instructions
    1. Cheat Engine v5.5 設定勾選(Hex.8 bytes.Also scan read only memory)

    2.Go into CountryStory

    3. Scan/複製 558B000000F4888B 貼到 Cheat Engine v5.5,2 address returned.鍵該位址選「Disassemble this memory region」在 sub ecx,edx 位置雙擊滑鼠左鍵,
    複製 sub edx,edx 貼上,再按「OK」

    4.「無限體力Go to your friend's farm and STEAL a crop. The stealing must be successful to find the value.


    6. New scan C82B000000D48A8B address returned.貼到 Cheat Engine v5.5,之後在左邊會有一個位址,用滑鼠右鍵該位址選「Disassemble this memory region」在/Change the line sub ecx,eax 位置雙擊滑鼠左鍵,
    複製 sub eax,eax 貼上,再按「OK」

    7.「無限偷取」完成!HAPY STEALING


    Facebook Country Story Unlimited Stamina and Take(無限體力 & 無限偷取)on 17, Nov 09


    Facebook 遊戲 Pet Society Combo cheat

    Firefox 3.5.官方載點 <~Download
    Flash Player 10.HinetEdcityEsnips <~Download
    Flash Player 9.HinetEdcityEsnips<~Download
    【PetSocietyCheat Flash 10 版(13-11-09)】點我下載(Hinet)點我下載(Esnips)Download
    【PetSocietyCheat Flash 9 版(13-11-09)】點我下載(Hinet)點我下載(Esnips)Download

    Facebook Pet Society Combo Cheat (懶人修改) on 8 Nov,09


    Takato 不保證這修改日後可繼續正常運行,

    ↓Find Me @ Facebook↓


    Tuesday, November 17, 2009

    Facebook Restaurant City Level Coins Exempt Click (等級洗錢.免按版)on 16,Nov 09

    Firefox 3.5.官方載點
    Flash Player 10.HinetEdcityEsnips
    Flash Player 9.HinetEdcityEsnips
    Cheat Engine 5.5 官方載點
    piaipRCHack_v1.13.點這裡到下載頁面 Version 1.13


    Monday, November 16, 2009

    Restaurant city hacks - Get Garbage Guru Trophy Cheat // Exp hack // Coin hack // Rubbish hack

    Steps 1

    1. enter Retaurant City and close the doors and set 1 employee as janitor (sleep other friend)
    2. Use piaps 1.13 and patch it for auto regeneration
    3. Open Cheat Engine, select firefox as process, Setting "hex, ASROM,8 bytes"
    4. Now Scan "000001389189D32B"
    5. 1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble address
    6. Change sub edx,ebx to sub edx,edx
    7. Now you will see a lot of rubbish in your RC, click 1 rubbish then redecorate, move 1 chair, click check
    Step 2
    • Now go back in Cheat Engine, NEW SCAN
    • "04B870488901C183" (Flash 9)
    • "04B878488901C183" (Flash 10)
    • 1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble address
    • Change add ecx,01 to add ecx,00
    • Click NEW SCAN
    • "00010C838924408B" (Flash 9)
    • "00011C838924408B" (Flash 10)
    • 2 addresses returned. Right click > Disassemble 2nd address
    • You will see line:
    • mov [ebx+0000010c],eax and mov [ebx+00000104],000007d0 (Flash 9)
    • mov [ebx+0000011c],eax and mov [ebx+00000114],000007d0 (Flash 10)
    Step 3
    1. Right click line [ebx+0000010c],eax and click 'Replace with code that does nothing'
    2. Next Double click line mov [ebx+00000104],000007d0
    3. and change it to mov [ebx+00000104],00000000
    4. NEW SCAN "E44589D47589C085"(Flash 9 and Flash 10)
    5. 1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble address
    6. You will see line je xxxxxxxx Right click that line and click "Replace with code that does nothing"
    7. Scroll down until you find another je xxxxxxxx Right click that line and click "Replace with code that does nothing"
    8. Go back in your RC and see your janitor clean the Rubbish fast leave it for 10 mins and you will get the garbage guru trophy


    Mafia Wars hacks - Gift Sender

    Script Summary

    Tool to send multiple Loot-, Vault- or Boost-items from within the MafiaWars game interface to any user without having to go to the gifting page. You can use the facebook ID, facebook profile (with ID number) or mafiawars profile link for the recipient. Combine with my other script to easily read the ID (also for users with Vanity Tag) - Allows to read your giftkey and stores it for later retrieval in a cookie.



    1. Log in to MafiaWars page.
    2. If you don't see the TOGGLE button, refresh page (must do this to make script active) or use Activate GiftSender command in GM-menu.
    3. Go to your GIFT-page or to a profile from a MafiaFriend and run the respective command in the menu that allows you to get and store your GiftKey (must do this at least once).
    4. Find the profile link or ID from a friend (FaceBook or MafiaWars profile) and paste it in the recipient (FaceBook ID or link) field. Select quantity and type of loot and start sending.

    Credit:Mizure Sukoshi


    Thursday, November 12, 2009

    Pet Society - Coin Combo Hack

    Click here to add me on Facebook

    Doesn’t need Cheat Engine, requires no external website Scan Code!

     Tools you need :
    1) Firefox
    2) Flash Player 9
    3) Pet Society Combo Hack | Mirror

    1) Go into Pet Society
    2) Open combo tool and select browser of your choice (e.g Firefox)
    3) For the 2k bet cheat, go into stadium, select racer, and at the "READY" screen, click on the "start" button in the combo tool. (see image for translation)
    4) You'll notice that the "2k bet cheat button" can be clicked now. Click that!
    5) Now in Pet's Society, click "READY" and even if you lose, you will get 2k coins.


    Restaurant City hacks - Ultimate Coin Hack for Level 32 cheat


    Hello, to all readers of this blog, there is the newest coin hack for RC - restaurant city "The Ultimate Coin Hack for Level 32"

    • firefox 3.4 / flock /IE
    • cheat engine 5.5
    • flash player 10
    • flash player 9
    1. Open Restaurant City > Cheat Engine 5.5 > Process firefox.exe
    2. Setting (HEX,8 bytes,ASROM) (Wait until you get the first experience point)
    3. Now Scan "00000039840FD285" 1 address returned
    4. Right Click and "Disassemble this memory region"
    5. left Click "mov ecx,[edx+00000090]" and Hit F5 < Flash player 10
    6. left Click "mov ecx,[edx+00000088]" and Hit F5 < Flash player 9
    7. Wait until you see the "EDX address" right side panel of cheat engine
    8. left Click the "EDX address" and copy the address inside
    9. Go back at the CE, click "Add Address Manually"
    10. and paste the "EDX address"+90. ( example "0affa31+90")
    11. Open shop
    12. Go back to CE, Change the value to "31" and freeze,
    13. Buy some Chair or Table.
    14. Now you are finish all step
    15. After Cheating make sure you remove the "freeze" (Dont Change The 31)
    16. and Hit "Save"
    Notice:after cheating, make sure you remove the freeze and, the most important save the game.
